Scaling and root planing- often referred to as deep cleaning, and may be performed using a number of dental tools, including ultrasonic instruments and hand instruments. If plaque and tartar is left on the teeth it provides the right conditions for bacteria to thrive. The bacteria irritate the gums, which means that they bleed more easily. You may notice this if you are brushing your teeth, or eating, and sometimes your gums may bleed a bit. This is the early stage of gum disease called gingivitis. If gingivitis not treated and nothing is done about it, the inflammation will work its way down towards the foundations of the tooth causing a "periodontal pocket". Gum disease can break down the support (bone) structures of the teeth, so that eventually, they will become loose. The problem is that until it gets quite severe, the person often has no symptoms. Sadly, the damage to the support structures of the teeth is irreversible. The good news is that if gum disease is caught in time, its progression can be halted and improved upon. To stop gum disease from progressing, your dentist may advise periodontal therapy, or deep cleaning. This gets rid of the bacteria in the pocket and provides the necessary conditions for healing to occur.